Ssangyong Rodius 2.7TD T tronic SX 4WD 58000 Miles
Ms Auto Services
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Sale price: £4,500.00
Car location: United Kingdom
Ssangyong Rodius for sale
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Item Features Ssangyong Rodius:
Used: An item that has been previously used. See the seller’s listing for full details and description of any imperfections. ... Read moreabout the condition | Reg. Mark: | **08 *** Get the Vehicle Status Report | |
Year: | 2008 | Fuel: | Diesel |
Manufacturer: | Ssangyong | Power: | 165 |
Model: | Rodius | Seats: | 7 |
Type: | MPV | Drive Side: | Right-hand drive |
Doors: | 5 | Previous Owners: | 1 |
Colour: | Black | Safety Features: | Driver Airbag, Passenger Airbag, Anti-Lock Brakes (ABS), Electronic Stability Program (ESP), Immobiliser, Safety Belt Pretensioners, Alarm |
Metallic Paint: | Yes | Exterior: | Alloy Wheels |
Reg. Date: | 21/08/2008 | Interior/Comfort Options: | Air Conditioning, Cruise Control, Leather Seats, Electric Adjustable Seats, Electric heated seats, Electric Windows, Parking Sensors, Power-assisted Steering (PAS) |
Mileage: | 58,000 | In-Car Audio: | AM/FM Stereo, CD Player, CD Multichanger, Navigation System |
Engine Size: | 2,696 | V5 Document: | Yes |
Transmission: | Automatic |
vehicle description:
Model Year: 2008 Mileage: 58,000 Miles Transmission: Automatic Engine Size (in ccm): 2,696 Power: 165 BHP Fuel: Diesel Interested?
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Ms Auto Services
Newcastle Corner
Headcorn Road
TN27 8JW
Find out where we are Metallic BLACK, 4 WHEEL DRIVE ,7 SEAT, 12 months MOT, Service history, Satellite Navigation, Air-Conditioning, Cruise Control, Parking Aid, Seats Heated, Alarm, Alloy Wheels, Electric Windows, In Car Entertainment, Seats Electric, Upholstery Leather. £4,495 Manufacturer Ssangyong Model Rodius Type MPV Doors 5 Number of Seats 7 Colour Black Metallic Paint Steering Wheel Right-hand drive Mileage 58,000 Miles First Registration Date 2008/08/21 Model Year 2008 Condition Used Previous Owners 1 Engine Size (in ccm) 2,696 Power 165 BHP Transmission Automatic Fuel Diesel Consumption mpg (combined) 28.8 Consumption mpg (urban) 22.1 Consumption mpg (extra urban) 34.9 CO2 emissions 249 Emission class Euro 4 Safety Features Driver Airbag Passenger Airbag Anti-Lock Brakes (ABS) Electronic Stability Program (ESP) Immobiliser Safety Belt Pretensioners Alarm Exterior Features Alloy Wheels In-Car Entertainment AM/FM Stereo CD Player CD Multichanger Navigation System Interior/Comfort Air Conditioning Cruise Control Leather Seats Electric Adjustable Seats Electric heated seats Electric Windows Parking Sensors Power-assisted Steering (PAS) Consumption/Emissions mpg (combined): 28.8 mpg (urban): 22.1 mpg (extra urban): 34.9 CO2 emissions: 249 Emission class: Euro 4 Visit us for a test drive
Ms Auto Services
Newcastle Corner
Headcorn Road
TN27 8JW
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Ms Auto Services
Newcastle Corner
Headcorn Road
TN27 8JW
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